Crete2Cape – Vintage Air Rally

O aos poucos vai saindo do seu quintal e com mérito vai estando sob a mira de olhos de outros países e sites da especialidade. Fomos contactados para divulgar este pedido em Portugal depois de alguém ter lido o nosso artigo sobre os Chipmunk’s, para tentar encontrar equipas ou aviadores Portugueses que de alguma maneira queiram participar.
Forneceremos o contacto a quem esteja interessado nesta aventura.

“Dear Sir
We are organizing a global event called The Crete2Cape Vintage Air Rally, where very old airplanes (built before 1950) will fly from Crete (Greece) to Cape Town (South Africa).
Please take a look at our website.
We have already many participants registered coming from different continents and we are currently looking for a European team in order to complete our list, as well as any pilot that would like to come along with his own “conventional” airplane and live a unique adventure.
I saw through your website that you are working on the same field, could you help us in any way of getting the word out that we’re looking for teams from your country?
I would love to hear back from you.
Kind regards,